Check out! Extreme Couponing on TLC

I’m super excited to share that tomorrow night, December 29, 2010, TLC is going to air “Extreme Couponing”.  I can’t wait to watch it.   It is going to focus on “Mr. Coupon” – Nathan Engels the owner of, one of my favorite sites which I’m also an affiliate.

I’m not an extreme couponer by any stretch of the imagination but I sure admire those that are.  It is amazing how much you can really can save using coupons and if you put your mind into it you can save so much that you can put it towards your other dreams or goals.  Think about that when you watch it.

Let me know what you think of it.  The good the bad and the ugly!

On YouTube the folks from have created Frugal TV. Check it out new videos will be posted starting tomorrow.